Terms of Service for Experts and Advertisers

Experts’ articles and advertising

If you become an expert of our portal, we will create a page with information about you (sample page). It is free of charge.

What does it take to make a page?

  • The name and surname of an expert
  • High-quality photo of an expert
  • A couple of words about expert’s specialization and regalia
  • Expert Services 
  • Phone number
  • E-mail
  • Viber, Whatsapp, etc
  • Website


Articles with expert’s answers should be of informational, advisory nature.  It shouldn’t look like an advertisement.  An expert must give a complete and accurate answer  for site visitors questions to gain the clients’ trust.

Expert’s articles will be signed by his/ her name and have a link to the expert’s page on the site Dominion.Estate.

Only a person/individual can be an expert.  The name of the company he works for can be mentioned, but the company cannot act as an expert.


To promote your company, you can use advertising banner.  It can lead to any page (not prohibited by law).

Placing an advertising banner on the site dominion.estate/spain/  costs 199 euros per month + IVA.